1. Bring the box to your bedroom.
2. Open the box. Then lay the box on its side and lift from the end. Let gravity help you pull it out.
3. Place the mattress roll on your bed.
4. Use the provided safety cutting tool to open and remove the plastic wrapper. Be careful to not accidentally cut the mattress.
5. The mattress will start to expand, now you can unfold the mattress and remove the protective plastic cover.
6. The foam needs up to 48 hours to regain its proper firmness and shape, but you can sleep on your mattress right away.
Setup Tips:
1. Many people need help moving a mattress. Invite a friend or two if needed.
2. Give yourself at least 30 days to become one with your new mattress.
3. Don't rush it, you have 100 days to make sure you and your SleepTexan.com mattress are made for each other.
4. The new mattress smell usually goes away after 48 hours. You would want to air out too if you were wrapped like that...